Compliant data management is critical to the success of any banking and insurance email archive migration

With cloud adoption on the rise for many finance and insurance organisations, many will also be considering migrating their email archives as part of the migration to cloud platforms such as Microsoft 365.

This can involve vast quantities of complex data and understandably many may feel hesitant about making such a move. As highlighted in our recent blog, 89% of respondents to a recent research study agreed that legislation and regulation makes data management challenging for their organisation.

Taking a managed approach to the migration of your email archives data will ensure you remain fully compliant before, during and after the migration.

Critical to the success of any email archive migration is to ensure your existing data is in the best possible state. We encourage you to look at the age of your existing data and the profiles of the users it relates to. Consider old and new regulatory requirements to ensure your existing data is fully compliant before the move. And consider whether you can delete any legacy data in a compliant way prior to the move.

The next important decision to make is selecting the right migration partner for your project. You need a partner with deep experience in regulated markets who has your businessesā€™ security and compliance requirements front of mind. You should also ensure they are using the right tools for the job. Ensuring their migration software can migrate your data in a compliant manner will be key.

Here at bluesource weā€™ve completed over 350 migrations and 6PB of data (see our Case study). Our experience in regulated markets is second to none and so we have seen and solved many of the challenges you will be facing. Our migration consultants will closely manage your whole project including any remediation that might be required due to any data issues so that you can be confident in a compliant move.

Weā€™ve also selected the leading migration technology from Transvault. Their software is the only solution that migrates your data in one step, end-to-end, with no interim formats or temporary storage. Transvaultā€™s full and demonstrable chain-of-custody provides data integrity checks, audit reports and remediation services that meets the most stringent legislation relating to email records handling. All these measures enable you to have the highest confidence that your data has been secure throughout the email archive migration process.

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